“The lifestyle up here prepares you for this race. We run, bike, paddle, and ski, so it hits all of the targets.”
-- Keith Kogut, winner
2023 Saranac Lake 3P race
And we recreate a lot. Right here. We ride bikes. Mountain bikes. Road bikes. Balance bikes. We paddle. Flatwater. Whitewater. Any water. We hike. And Backpack. We ski. We go uphill, downhill, skate, classic. But it's more than that, we live here and love the access to all things outdoors where we live. That our home has so much to offer from the backcountry to the front-country venues. So, we got to thinking, why not create an event that combines some of the best local recreational venues that our small but mighty village has to offer into a community celebration of these attributes. The Saranac Lake 3P <pole/pedal/paddle> was born.
SaranacLake3P, Inc. is a locally based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization set up to oversee, coordinate and produce the Saranac Lake 3P race event. We formed in order to contribute to the community in the form of sponsoring an exciting, safe, and most importantly fun event that we ourselves would love to participate in.